
A change in environment, a change in friends, a change in atmosphere, in all entirety can lead to a change in belief, attitude, and character. Acclimatizing into a system of unfamiliar ideologies alters one’s approach to life: way of thinking and doing things. It takes restraint and self-discipline to resist the urge of fitting in into a substandard environment, let alone maintaining one’s precedent beliefs.

Living in a country whose beliefs deviates from my cultural norms has been soothing so far, but the lifestyles inculcated by some of my Nigerian friends is beginning to exceed what I can keep quiet about.

It all starts with the friends we keep. Friends are not just companions, they are people with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, a bad company of them instigates a pathway that steadily and quietly depletes one’s lifestyle. An obvious enemy is 10 times better than a fake friend; they take away from you, change you, ruin you, and then leave you for dead.

Be cautious of the company you keep

“The Righteous should choose their friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray.” Prov 12:26

-Pacesetter Abbey